Welcome to Eco~Mom~Andee's Blog!

Any journey begins with one step, followed by many others. This blog will journal the steps taken to build a home-based business
that is ethical, safe, environmentally sound, and healthy for you all around!
Follow the journey, including the links given, and you're sure to learn something!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day 3 & Day 4

Day 3 wasn't too bad - the plan was mostly phone calls... continuing phone tag with many, but I did talk to a few people.  Unfortunately, I did not get any appointments set up.  :(  But I totally enjoyed talking to everyone! :) 

One thing I must continue to work is my own feelings of confidence, or lack thereof.  I'm one of those people who overthink a lot of things when it would be so much better for me to just go ahead and "do" a thing.  ;-)  Between that and getting sidetracked talking about all sorts of other things I end up not asking a person to do a presentation with me.  Most of the time we'll talk and talk and suddenly one of us has to rush off to something and after we've parted I think, "Duh, I forgot to see if they'd set a time for a presentation!"  So then I think there will be another time... but that takes time!  I shall have to work on my ability to just "do" - and set that appointment right off and then talk about all the other stuff going on!  :)

Day 4 was a total washout!  Nothing I'd planned to do really got done.  But a lot of other things did!  Day 3 had storms move in about midday, worsening with each round.  So, Day 4 arrived with tons of stuff to tend to related to the storm damages.  My phones are still not working!  (but Charter is on it! - just not saying how long it will take)  There were an assortment of other unplanned challenges to my day but they've been taken care of now.

I've been doing some digging into animal cruelty and animal testing... and I'm very happy to report that Melaleuca is totally against anything of this sort! :)  Yay!  I have more than one potential customer raise concerns about that and it's taken me awhile to find the right information.  A letter from the president and CEO himself arrived today confirming my research!

There are a few extra things added to tomorrow's agenda leftover from today's mayhem and I'll have to double up my efforts to set appointments!  Time's running out for the $1 special!  Forward going - don't think about what's done and over and unchangeable - just move forward - or as Dori says, "Keep on swimming, keep on swimming... "

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