Welcome to Eco~Mom~Andee's Blog!

Any journey begins with one step, followed by many others. This blog will journal the steps taken to build a home-based business
that is ethical, safe, environmentally sound, and healthy for you all around!
Follow the journey, including the links given, and you're sure to learn something!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Super September!

So I completely skipped over August - what a month that was!

On to September!

September is going to be a glorious month!  I know it's one-third over already but it's always been one of my favorite months so it will still be great!

I'm inspired by this month's promotion to Develop a Director, No Matter What!

I so want to become a director in this business myself!  And do so by the end of this month!  Which is so totally possible!  Already I have four people who've told me they want to get started in this business - we just need to do all the necessary stuff.  Add in another four as just plain customers and me being a director is a 'shoe-in'!

But I do get a bit down over those who want to do something but having enough money to do it holds them back. :(  I SO know what that's like!  And I'm SO tired of it!  But it will be ending soon for me, I'm sure of that!  By the end of this year I will make it to the point of having enough money all month long!!!

I know there are people laughing at that - saying, "oh yeah, sure you will" while thinking "no way, it's never going to happen" - I could name several (but I won't).
I know there are some waiting to see IF it happens or not and when it does then they will join me - and I can't wait to bring them all on board!
And there are a few - Martha, Ellen, Sharon, Lori, who encourage me to keep on, to not give up; who tell me this can be a success - and to them I will always be thankful and forever carry a special spot in my heart for believing in me no matter what!

For this to be a really super September in my business, the goal will be to enroll 8 new members and have 4 of them start their own business building with me!  THAT WOULD BE TRULY AWESOME!!!

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