Welcome to Eco~Mom~Andee's Blog!

Any journey begins with one step, followed by many others. This blog will journal the steps taken to build a home-based business
that is ethical, safe, environmentally sound, and healthy for you all around!
Follow the journey, including the links given, and you're sure to learn something!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

100 DAYS!


I'm starting something new!
Today is DAY ONE!

For the next 100 days I'm going to look at my business
with a renewed focus!

There really is so much great stuff going on in the world of Melaleuca, The Wellness Company!
This is the first thing I've come across that really and truly shows all the potential for helping me gain true financial wellness and to be in a position of sustaining my own income for my entire lifetime from here on out!

I know many who will put down this idea in a heartbeat;
some, even very close to me! :(
But that's not going to stop - might even motivate me!

Within the next 100 days - December 8th 
through March 18th - 
I will work to grow my business so that
I am at the Director VII level
or higher.
I will have at least 40 personal customers.
I will have at least 4 personal directors.
I will have at least 100 people in my organization!

If possible I will post here each day to log progress
or to lament the lack of progress.

For now I'd like to show you
the progress made so far:

Marketing Executive II
June 30, 2010

Circle of Influence Award
October 31, 2010

Circle of Influence Award
October 31, 2010
(again, but more true color)

Marketing Executive III
October 31, 2010
(in true color)

Marketing Executive III
October 31, 2010

I plan on achieving one or more of these every month
between now and March 2011.

You can watch passively by way of this blog
or you can join me and my team
in all the fun and excitement
in a more direct way,
and make your own great impact
on total wellness in your life!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Well, "dollar days" are done with... and I added 4 more people to my team, or organization!  I'm very happy about that!

Sorry for the long absence but I spent much of October (11th - 31st) and the first several days of November really sick.  I think it was influenza at first - but we'll never know now.  I did have pneumonia diagnosed, along with sinus infection and ear infection.  Suffice it to say now that for well over a week I truly felt the worst I've felt in well over a decade!!!

But I'm better now!  And improving more each day!

The current promotion is VIP status to any Marketing Executive who becomes a Director for the first time this month!  VIP status will provide free shipping on our Melaleuca orders for the next six months!  There's more - but you'll have to get in touch with me to learn what all it is. :)

I plan on becoming a director this month!  ABSOLUTELY!!!

I've set my goals high this month:
1. Enroll 5-8 new preferred customers
2. Become a director.
3. Earn VIP status.
4. Earn All-Star status.

To help me remember these goals I'm putting "this" on my Inspiration Board:
A - amazing
W - woman
E - envisioning
S - success,
O - opportunity,
M - motivation & 
E - energy

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dollar Days!

Corporate has extended the Dollar memberships!  I have 3 new customers already... planning for 5 more yet before end of month!

EMT Banner
$1 Enrollments Extended!
Continue to offer $1 memberships through October 31st!
What can you get for a buck?
A whopping big business for one thing!! 

Due to the overwhelming response to the October promotion, $1 memberships have been extended through October 31st!

This is an amazing gift for all of us to push on with confidence and accomplish our October goals!  There are many on our team who are close to Director and/or close to developing a Director!  Don't forget the rest of the October promotion still in place:

Develop a director and DOUBLE your paycheck!


Our Hyper Coffee Calling Blitz starts TODAY!
Take advantage of the extended $1 promotion and be THE ONE to earn a $10 Starbucks Gift Card!

Simply set the most appointments that result in presentations and


Health & happiness,
Andee Anderson Dunn

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Does it mean anything? :)

Many would have you believe it does!  But what?  Who knows!  It is an interesting combination of numbers within a date.  Ever since we began this century excitement builds for each date where 3 numbers repeat themselves or line up in sequence: 01/01/01, 02/02/02, 01/02/03, 03/03/03, 02/03/04, 04/04/04, 03/04/05, 05/05/05, well, you get the idea! ;-)

Back in August it was 08/09/10 and now in October it's 10/10/10!  Our local paper did a front page "Hometown" piece on a bunch of kids turning 10 years old today and what they thought of being 10 on the 10th day of the 10th month of the year 2010.  Most just thought it was cool; one kid has a friend who will turn 11 on 11/11/11 and thought that was more cool... it's all ones!!!  LOL

Does it mean anything as far as my business building goes?  Not really. :)

But today means there are just ten days left of a very special membership deal we are offering!  And my goal is to help ten people learn a better way to shop by the end of these next ten days!  So there's a small correlation to tens. :)

I keep thinking about what I do, what I'm wanting to do, and of all the people I can help along the way!  I love helping others, especially in ways that will help them to go on and help even more people. :)  Personally, I don't see any reason(s) for people not to jump on board with me and start doing what I'm doing - other than people don't really want to help others, they just want to do for themselves.  Of course, I've always done things to help others - for as long as I can remember.  It's a big part of who I am!  Some people in my life don't like that; and sadly, they aren't so much a part of life as they could be if they didn't think that way.  But it's their problem - it's not place to change them.  And that's how I see it with my business - some people just aren't liking it and that's ok.  I still don't see why not - but it's not my place to change them.  

There are people, and I hope lots of people, out there who do like helping others and they also like trying new things so they will jump on board with me and try this new way of shopping and they will save money and save precious resources and our environment and they will go beyond that and share it with others and those people will repeat the same things too.  Eventually more people will shop this way than people that don't.  A huge change in the world will be seen as that happens!

Can you imagine the change that could come about if I can introduce just 10 people to this in the next 10 days and then each of them introduces 10 people to this... we have 100 people changing the way they shop (and possibly the way they live - to doing the things they love to do all the time)... and then what happens when each of those 10 (100) introduce 10 more people to this wonderful new way of doing things?  1000 people are now doing it!

Those are my kind of numbers  10 x 10 x 10 :) :) :)

Saturday, October 9, 2010


The other day I read a quote from Theodore Roosevelt.  He said, "It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed. In this life we get nothing save by effort."

Failure is something I have experienced a number of times. 
I failed at marriage: ended up divorced after nearly 20 years.
I failed at school: unable to complete all my classes.
I failed at parenting: none of my kids are doing better than I was at their age.
I failed at pregnancy: eight times the outcome included babies that would never come home.
I failed at having a career: didn't finish nursing school.
I failed at having a home business: 11 times with different products, methods, companies, etc. never making an income to sustain my household.

However, Albert Einstein once said, "A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new."  The same could be said of a person who never failed at anything.

In my new business, began on June 1st this year, I feel like I've made a few mistakes already, like I've encountered a few failures.  I have failed to meet the goals I set for every month since then.  There are certain levels I want to reach.  Levels I must reach if I'm to dig up out of this cavern of poverty!

Yesterday I was feeling very discouraged by this! :(  There are all sorts of ideas running around in my head!  Things to do to promote my business; things not to do!  Things that hold me back; things that push me forward!  I keep hearing voices in my head from people who love me telling me that this is something I will never be able to do!  I'm not good enough!  I'm not smart enough!  I don't have what it takes!  And then there's countless, well-meaning folks who tell me times are tough now, people don't want to invest in a home business, no one has the money to buy your products, or just that making a commitment to buy every month (even though they will do so anyway for inferior products bought at the local Wal-Mart store) is too much to ask. Whatever it is exactly, the point is repeatedly made that this isn't going to work - for me.  It never has in the past, so why should it now?

Is now really any different than any of the times in the past when I've tried to build up a home business?

It really is different this time!

This time I am passionate about everything connected to what I'm doing in building this business!

The company I'm partnered with this time is truly ethical, not wanting anyone to get hurt in building this business or in just using their products or even in any other aspect of a person's life.  They are ALL ABOUT really enhancing people's lives!  They want everyone to be able to have a life that's better than the one they have now, before learning about this company!  The products they make are used by people everyday.  You probably would use at least 10 of them daily just in the normal sort of stuff you do each day!  Some I know use twice that!!  While it's true that anyone they help to succeed in building a business with them will help their business to grow, it's also easy to see that's not why they do all that they do!

It's also different this time because I'm at a different stage in my life now.  While my service to God and my ministry of sharing His Good News is and will always be a priority for me, I still must have some means to support my needs in life.  Relying on SSI isn't going to cut it all by itself!  Maybe it might have at some time in the past, but even the federal government recognizes in their own standards for measuring poverty that the amount provided on full SSI payments is below the poverty line!  The only way one person could survive on that level of income is if their housing is subsidized, and their food is subsidized AND all the medical care is fully subsidized!  This certainly is not where I saw my life going before becoming disabled!!!

Perhaps some see the physical side of my disabilities as reasons this will not work for me.  And yes, they will cause some limitations for me.  But so much of this business can be easily managed by phone or online; neither affected much by my physical issues.  My brain certainly is still intact! :)  I remember first coming to terms with not being able to ever do certain things again and wishing there was some way I could use all my knowledge to make a living.  Going back to school wasn't an option then, though it is now perhaps.  I do see my limits making it harder for me to stand up in front of a group of people for any length of time.  That's something I would love to be more able to do as I feel what my business has to offer can easily be presented to groups of various sizes and interests.  When the time comes I'm sure I'll find a solution to work around my limits in that regard.

People don't always understand my situation though.  I try not to take it personally or to be offended.  Still, invisible disabilities can be very challenging to live with.  But I am determined in this endeavor!  I will survive these mistakes and failures and I will go on and keep on trying one idea after another until I do succeed.  Failure is inevitable but it doesn't have to be forever.  Success is inevitable as long as one does not give up after failing!

Aside from digging out of the cavern of poverty... and that could be incentive enough for many... and aside from being determined to never give up my goals... which many feel are crazy and totally unreachable... and even with all the great incentives offered by the company... like extra cash, iPads, trips, double bonuses, etc... my biggest incentive is in knowing that by doing this, by succeeding in this particular business I will accomplish more to help others in their lives right now than in any other business I could possibly choose to do or become educated in right now!

All those failures I mentioned above have all become things that I've turned around and found the silver lining within and I've used those experiences to help others in many wonderful ways over the years!  I'm a survivor - since before I was born - and I will continue to survive and I will succeed!!!                                                                               

Saturday, September 25, 2010


We have just a little over 5 days left to this month.  Will I meet my goal of 8 new customers?
(I'll let you know on the 1st) ;-)

It's not so easy building up a new business from nothing.  It is great to have mentors and know that others before me have succeeded.  But I do wish I could find someone who did so with as many challenges to their efforts as I have been dealing with lately!

The other day I came across a video highlighting 7 very important things to building your own business.

So, in giving some thought to all these things and asking myself if I have these or if I am doing these, here's my own personal results.  Those of you that know me, feel free to add in your thoughts here too, or in a private email. :)

1. YES!  I absolutely do have faith that I can do this new venture successfully.  

2. YES! I have goals and little goals to help me get to the bigger goals.

3. Yes, and No. This is one area I need to adjust, not because of inaction as much as the actions I've been doing have so far not brought me to my goals as fast as I want, so I must make some adjustments.

4. No! It's true! I have not been consistent in my actions.  I need to be setting appointments every day not one or two days a week.  I have to find more time somehow.

5. This one made me wonder if I actually have my own personal brand - something that everyone knows is me!  There are many things I do or have done that others know me for; but is there any one thing that would stand out like a 'brand' such as Dell, or HP, or Toshiba (all computers I've had - and all well known by others for their computers).  This one needs more thought, and/or work.

6. Relationships I've got - hundreds of them, mostly minimal.  If I'm going to be good at my own business I should be building those relationships; get to know those people better.  To truly be building relationships I should probably be finding new ones as well - have a variety of relationships with people at various stages or different levels of involvement.

7. YES!  I am always seeking more knowledge!  Learning anything new is exciting to me! Taking all my knowledge and adding to it is a big part of what makes me ME!  If I can inspire others, I should inspire myself! (working on it) ;-)

OK, out of 7 "essential parts of success" I have 3 without a doubt!  I have another 2 that are coming along nicely but have room for improvement! There is 1 that is needing to be developed from scratch.  Then there is one that I'll have to do some more thinking about.  From a purely mathematical point of view I'm at about 75% there! 

If I look at like Success is 100% and Failure is 0% then I'm much closer to Success than Failure - and THAT is a very positive thing, don't you think?!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Super September!

So I completely skipped over August - what a month that was!

On to September!

September is going to be a glorious month!  I know it's one-third over already but it's always been one of my favorite months so it will still be great!

I'm inspired by this month's promotion to Develop a Director, No Matter What!

I so want to become a director in this business myself!  And do so by the end of this month!  Which is so totally possible!  Already I have four people who've told me they want to get started in this business - we just need to do all the necessary stuff.  Add in another four as just plain customers and me being a director is a 'shoe-in'!

But I do get a bit down over those who want to do something but having enough money to do it holds them back. :(  I SO know what that's like!  And I'm SO tired of it!  But it will be ending soon for me, I'm sure of that!  By the end of this year I will make it to the point of having enough money all month long!!!

I know there are people laughing at that - saying, "oh yeah, sure you will" while thinking "no way, it's never going to happen" - I could name several (but I won't).
I know there are some waiting to see IF it happens or not and when it does then they will join me - and I can't wait to bring them all on board!
And there are a few - Martha, Ellen, Sharon, Lori, who encourage me to keep on, to not give up; who tell me this can be a success - and to them I will always be thankful and forever carry a special spot in my heart for believing in me no matter what!

For this to be a really super September in my business, the goal will be to enroll 8 new members and have 4 of them start their own business building with me!  THAT WOULD BE TRULY AWESOME!!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Early in the week...

Tuesday was not as productive as I'd hoped.  It was the last day of our $1 membership special and I was hoping to get 2 people enrolled in that but both had to postpone. :(

I did get several more referrals that I will be calling today. :)

There are a few new things on my ecomomteam website that I want to check out.  This is an awesome team!  I love how everyone is not only working for their own business but they are also working to help others on the team to build their business. :)  We've been told that new tools to help us in our business have been added, so I will go see what those are today and look for how I can make use of them in building up my business.

I do wish I had more patience.  I want this to grow fast - really, really fast.  I want it to get to the point that we can buy all we want right as we want it... but I'm not close to that point yet.  I just want it NOW!  lol  But it is growing, and the income from the little I've already done amazes me!  (and it's only "2 figures" - in the higher half)  Of course, my goal is something in the 4 figures category each month! lol   And I'm very sure it will be into the 3 figures for my 2nd month in the business.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Good Day!

Today was a good day!  

Everything was finally working... and staying that way! :)

I was able to connect with several people and I'm looking forward to a very busy week with presentations.

I've also been reading the July "Leadership In Action" magazine and finding inspiration and motivation for myself in being persistent and determined to make a success of this new business of mine.

There are things to learn - always we are learning, if we are alive at all.  For me, one of those things is to learn to hear "no" and not take it personally.  For so many years in my life I have taken it personally.  I am so used to everything being my fault that if someone tells me 'no' for some reason I think I must find a way to "fix it" so they will say "yes" - if I don't fix it then it's my fault that they don't want to do what I'm asking them.  It's like I'm just not finding the right way to do it - for them.  (I know, strange)

Anyway, the other day someone introduced me to the GoforNo website!  There are some really great ideas there!  Most of what they offer however will have to wait until I have the money for it.  So, we'll see how long it takes for that first.  

Listening to my kids go on about the trials they face when they are depending on others for transportation and spending money and other things... makes me all the more determined to do well in this endeavor.  No one should have to deal with abusive individuals, if they have a choice.  My success in this business will do a lot to help me and to help my kids get to the point where we do not have to deal with such people just so we can have some physical need met.


Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day 3 & Day 4

Day 3 wasn't too bad - the plan was mostly phone calls... continuing phone tag with many, but I did talk to a few people.  Unfortunately, I did not get any appointments set up.  :(  But I totally enjoyed talking to everyone! :) 

One thing I must continue to work is my own feelings of confidence, or lack thereof.  I'm one of those people who overthink a lot of things when it would be so much better for me to just go ahead and "do" a thing.  ;-)  Between that and getting sidetracked talking about all sorts of other things I end up not asking a person to do a presentation with me.  Most of the time we'll talk and talk and suddenly one of us has to rush off to something and after we've parted I think, "Duh, I forgot to see if they'd set a time for a presentation!"  So then I think there will be another time... but that takes time!  I shall have to work on my ability to just "do" - and set that appointment right off and then talk about all the other stuff going on!  :)

Day 4 was a total washout!  Nothing I'd planned to do really got done.  But a lot of other things did!  Day 3 had storms move in about midday, worsening with each round.  So, Day 4 arrived with tons of stuff to tend to related to the storm damages.  My phones are still not working!  (but Charter is on it! - just not saying how long it will take)  There were an assortment of other unplanned challenges to my day but they've been taken care of now.

I've been doing some digging into animal cruelty and animal testing... and I'm very happy to report that Melaleuca is totally against anything of this sort! :)  Yay!  I have more than one potential customer raise concerns about that and it's taken me awhile to find the right information.  A letter from the president and CEO himself arrived today confirming my research!

There are a few extra things added to tomorrow's agenda leftover from today's mayhem and I'll have to double up my efforts to set appointments!  Time's running out for the $1 special!  Forward going - don't think about what's done and over and unchangeable - just move forward - or as Dori says, "Keep on swimming, keep on swimming... "

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 2

Day 2 has been busy!  I had 2 dr appts to do - one in town and one an hour away.  Inbetween I made a few calls for appointments - but only left messages. Got a text from a potential enrollment saying we'll maybe do that later this week.  Got two more contacts added to my list.

In my head I feel determined to make this a success.  In actual practice it's not easy fitting in the needed tasks with everything else I'm already committed to getting done in a day.

It's not easy being poor!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Goals - 173 days - 51 days - 20 days


If you're coming here from my AllMyEarthlyBest blog then you know the plan! :)

If not, well here's the idea: 

Today begins DAY ONE for me.  Some will say I'm nuts; some will say I'm trying to do too much; some will say it's not possible.  One or two people I know will say, "Go for it!" and/or "You can do it!"  Those people I want to keep close to help me when I feel like what all the others have said is true!

This blog has at this point a small bunch of followers (mostly lurking, not letting others know they are following) that actually know me personally, in real life, not just online.  Some day there will be more I'm sure but for now, to those few who stop to read I invite you to share with me a journey that goes beyond going green and getting healthy as it has been seen so far since I started this blog.

I am posting some goals for myself and will welcome your support to keep me on track with them. :)  

Now that you're up to speed... here are my goals!

173 day goal: to be a Senior Director in my business!  This is big too!  The company has a plan they call Pacesetter that sets up your business goals to become a Senior Director within a year.  My team also has a plan; it ups the pace; follow that plan and you could become a Senior Director in 6 months!  Now, to add to that the company has just added an incentive to become a Director V (5) within my own Pacesetter time frame and they will give a bonus of $5,000!  I am in my first month for all of these potential goals!  173 days is what I have left to achieve them!  If I go for the Senior in Six plan I'll make Director V about halfway there (about 86 days)!

WHY do I want this?  One, for the money, of course, LOL  But two, and more importantly; achieving this success will release me from feeling dependent on others for the means to even have just a minimally simple life!

51 day goal: to have enrolled 20+ customers in my business!  That's what I do!  It's fairly simple - call people to set appointments for an overview of a healthier, safer, better way to shop and after they understand how it works then I enroll them so they can do it too!  Together we make a difference now in our homes, our lives, and our environments!

WHY do I want this? 20 customers by this point will have me on track to meet the 173 day goal.

20 day goal: to have enrolled 10+ customers in my business!  Same as 51 day goal but it's set to end at the end of July.  I already have 2 customers so I just need 8 more in the next 20 days. :)

WHY do I want this?  10 customers puts me well on track to meeting my goals!   Getting 10 every month right on through December will pretty much guarantee that I'll get to Senior Director by then.

Wondering why I'm putting all this out here in a blog?

Accountability for one! LOL
But also tracking and/or journaling the process or progress, lol.  
Maybe it will help others in some way or inspire them to do the same! :)