Welcome to Eco~Mom~Andee's Blog!

Any journey begins with one step, followed by many others. This blog will journal the steps taken to build a home-based business
that is ethical, safe, environmentally sound, and healthy for you all around!
Follow the journey, including the links given, and you're sure to learn something!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Doing It On Purpose!

Back in November of 2010 I posted some goals I had for my business. Even though I haven't blogged much since then I did meet many of those goals. I am now a Director! I have also earned All-Star status as well as Circle of Influence again. Back then I had some high hopes for my business to grow. But I realize now I was lacking in a few things. It's hard to pin it down exactly but it involved a little bit of Persistence (not slacking off when things weren't easy), a little bit of Posture (confidence in what I was doing), and a lot of Purpose (fully believing that what I was offering others was in fact going to make their lives better; and having a firm idea of how fast I wanted to go with this).

See, I knew I was not going to give up doing this. So I had some persistence; but it was still too easy to back down when things got challenging. And I knew what I was doing; I had the confidence that it is the best there is out there; but my knowledge was not nearly as solid as it is now. Finally, the key, at least for me, is PURPOSE! DOING IT ON PURPOSE (to borrow a phrase from Eddy, thank you E.B.); doing it in a way that tells everyone THIS IS IT, FOLKS! People just need to take a look at what I'm doing and if they don't see what I see in it then it's time to move on. There's no point in trying to convince people about this. It's simple. It's financially sound. It's envionmentally sound. It's physically sound. It's - Well - IT IS WHAT IT IS!

Once you GET IT then the rest just falls into place – you use the products – you love the products – you tell others – they open their accounts – the company totally takes care of everything else – your business grows – people copy what you do – your business grows more – and the cycle just keeps expanding without you doing much more than what you did to get started. And all along the company sends you a check every month that also keeps on growing!

My PURPOSE is SIMPLE --- Share this with every living soul I know! :-D That includes people online (friends & family around the world) as well as people I meet in person while doing my typical everyday stuff (running errands, tending to various appointments, shopping, etc.). My dream goal would be to get 20% of all the households in the county to become a part of this wonderful thing! There are approximately 16,000 households here; making my goal about 3,200... give or take a few, we're talking about 10,000 people that are not only saving money in their personal budgets, reducing toxic exposures, and helping the environment, but they will have more money and an income that will keep on growing. That could increase the local economy an ever-growing amount year after year! Doesn't that just blow you away?!!! 8-D

I know, big dreams. :( But, hey, what's wrong with dreaming?

Every dream starts somewhere with one little step. To that effort, I'm beginning a countdown of 100 days to a better life, or 100 days to change 100 lives. ;-) Let's see where we are at in 100 days from now!

If you'd like to become a part of this big dream then please visit my website: www.andee.ecomomteam.com and submit a “Request Info” form so I can contact you with details you'll want to know.

Just for the record, as of today, my business stands with 15 accounts opened. I have personally enrolled 14 of those, 6 of whom are wanting to grow their own business. So far only one of them has actually opened any accounts. Each of us works at whatever pace is good for us. The only pressure is what we put upon ourselves.
